

Eric Poggel


class Joint : yage.core.tree.Tree!(Joint).Tree;

Matrix relative ;

Matrix absolute ;

Matrix inverseBind ;
This exists in Collada but I'm not yet sure what it's for.

struct JointInfluence ;

int joint ;
Index of the joint in the joints array.

float influence ;
How much the joint influences this vertex. All influences for a vertex should sum to 1.

class Model : yage.resource.geometry.Geometry;
A Model is a Geometry that includes a skeleton for skeltal animation. ModelNodes can be used to create 3D models in a scene.

Joint[] joints ;
All of the joints that makeup the skeleton. The first Joint is the root.

JointInfluence[][] jointInfluences ;
This is a jagged array of joint influences for each vertex. It must be the same length as the number of vertices.

Instantiate an empty model.

this(char[] filename);
Instantiate and and load the given model file.

this(Geometry geometry);
Convert a Geometry into the Model subclass.

bool getAnimated ();
Get whether this model is animated.

double getAnimationMax ();
Get the time in seconds of the end of this Model's skeletal animation.

char[] getSource ();
Get the path to the file where the model was loaded.

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Documentation generated with CandyDoc on Wed Aug 11 11:14:28 2010