

Eric Poggel


class ModelNode : yage.scene.visible.VisibleNode;
A node used for rendering a 3D model.

Create a ModelNode and optionally set the model from an already loaded model or a model filename.

void delegate(ModelNode self) onAnimationComplete ;
Call this function from onUpdate when the model's current animation completes. The animation is considered complete when the animation timer reachers its pauseAfter value or if a range is set and it loops.

ModelNode clone (bool children = false);
Make a duplicate of this node, unattached to any parent Node. Animation is not yet cloned since its current implementation may soon change.

bool children recursively clone children (and descendants) and add them as children to the new Node.

The cloned Node.

Model getModel ();
void setModel (Geometry model = cast(Geometry)null);
void setModel (char[] filename);
Get / set the 3D model used by this Node. If a filename is passed, the ResourceManager Manager will ensure that no Model is loaded twice. If no argument is passed to setModel(), the model will be cleared. Equivalent of setModel(ResourceManager.model(filename));

void setSize (Vec3f s);
Ditto Overridden to cache the radius if changed by the scale.

float getRadius ();
Get the radius of the culling sphere used when rendering the 3D Model This is usually the distance from the center of its coordinate plane to the most distant vertex. There is no setRadius()

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Documentation generated with CandyDoc on Wed Aug 11 11:14:29 2010