

Eric Poggel


class SoundNode : yage.scene.movable.MovableNode, yage.core.object2.ITemporal;
A node that emits a sound.

Create a SoundNode and optionally set the sound from an already loaded sound or a sound filename.

SoundNode clone (bool children = false);
Make a duplicate of this node, unattached to any parent Node.

bool children recursively clone children (and descendants) and add them as children to the new Node.

The cloned Node.

Sound getSound ();
void setSound (Sound sound);
Get / set the Sound ResourceManager that this SoundNode will play.

void setSound (char[] filename);
Set the Sound used by this Node, using the ResourceManager Manager to ensure that no Sound is loaded twice. Equivalent of setSound (ResourceManager.sound(filename));

float getPitch ();
Get / set the pitch of the SoundNode. This has nothing to do with the frequency of the loaded Sound ResourceManager.

pitch Less than 1.0 is deeper, greater than 1.0 is higher. ditto

Get / set the pitch of the SoundNode. This has nothing to do with the frequency of the loaded Sound ResourceManager.

pitch Less than 1.0 is deeper, greater than 1.0 is higher.

float getSoundRadius ();
void setSoundRadius (float radius);
Get / set the radius of the SoundNode. The volume of the sound falls off at a rate of inverse distance squared. The default radius is 256.

radius The sound will be 1/2 its volume at this distance.

float getVolume ();
void setVolume (float volume);
Get / set the volume (gain) of the SoundNode.

volume 1.0 is the default.

float getVolumeAtPosition (Vec3f position);
Get the volume of this sound as it would be heard at an arbitrary position.

Vec3f position 3D Coordinates

The volume, where n is the volume of a SoundNode with a volume of 1.0 at a distnace of n.

bool getLooping ();
void setLooping (bool looping = true);
Get / set whether the playback of the SoundNode loops when playback is finished.

void play ();
Begin / resume playback of the sound at the last position.

void pause ();
Pause playback of the sound.

bool paused ();
Is the sound currently paused (or stopped?)

void seek (double seconds);
Seek to the position in the track. Seek has a precision of .05 seconds.

double tell ();
Tell the position of the playback of the current sound file, in seconds.

void stop ();
Stop the SoundNode from playing and rewind it to the beginning.

char[] toString ();
char[] toString (bool recurse);
Return a string representation of this Node for human reading.

recurse Print this Node's children as well.

Yage source files are copywritten by their specified authors and available under the terms of the GNU LGPL.
Documentation generated with CandyDoc on Wed Aug 11 11:14:29 2010