

Eric Poggel


class VisibleNode : yage.scene.movable.MovableNode;
VisibleNode is the parent of all Nodes that are visible and can be rendered.

See Also:
yage.scene.MovableNode yage.scene.Node

Material[] materialOverrides ;
Use thes materials instead of the model's meshes' or sprite's materials.


VisibleNode clone (bool children = false);
Make a duplicate of this node, unattached to any parent Node.

bool children recursively clone children (and descendants) and add them as children to the new Node.

The cloned Node.

Color getColor ();
void setColor (Color color);
Get / Set the color of the VisibleNode. Material colors of the VisibleNode are combined (multiplied) with this color. This provides an easy way to change the color of a VisibleNode without having to modify all materials individually. Default color is white and opaque (all 1's).

LightNode[] getLights ();
Get an array of lights that were enabled in the last call to getLights (lights...).

float getRadius ();
Get the radius of this VisibleNode's culling sphere. Includes both size and scale. Classes that inherit VisibleNode must provide this function to specify their radius, or they will not be rendered.

void setSize (float x, float y, float z);
void setSize (Vec3f size);
void setSize (float size);
Vec3f getSize ();
Get / set the scale of this VisibleNode in the x, y, and z directions. The default is (1, 1, 1). Unlike position and rotation, scale is not inherited.

void setVisible (bool visible);
bool getVisible ();
Gt /set whether this Node will be rendered. This has nothing to do with frustum culling. Setting a VisibleNode as invisible will not make its children invisible also.

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Documentation generated with CandyDoc on Wed Aug 11 11:14:29 2010