

Eric Poggel


struct RenderStatistics ;
Statistics about the last render operation.

int nodeCount ;

int vertexCount ;

int triangleCount ;

int lightCount ;

RenderStatistics opAdd (RenderStatistics rhs);

RenderStatistics opAddAssign (RenderStatistics rhs);

struct Render ;
As the nodes of the scene graph are traversed, those to be rendered in the current frame are added to a queue. They are then reordered for correct and optimal rendering. Translucent polygons are separated, sorted and rendered in a second pass.

static void cleanup (int age = 3600);
Cleanup no-longer used graphics resources.

static void complete ();
Complete rendering and swap the back buffer to the front buffer.

static Shader generateShader (MaterialPass pass, LightNode[] lights, bool fog, ref ArrayBuilder!(ShaderUniform) uniforms);
Generate a phong/normal map shader for the pass.

MaterialPass pass
LightNode[] lights
bool fog
ArrayBuilder!(ShaderUniform) uniforms Uniform variables to pass to the shader when binding.


static bool bindPass (MaterialPass pass, LightNode[] lights);
Bind a MaterialPass, generating a shader based on the number of lights.

static MaterialTechnique getTechnique (Material material, LightNode[] lights = null);
Get the first technique that can be used without issue, or the last technique if all have issues.

static RenderStatistics geometry (Geometry geometry , LightNode[] lights = null, Material[] materialOverrides = null);

static RenderStatistics model (Model model , LightNode[] lights = null, Material[] materialOverrides = null, float animationTime = cast(float)0);

protected static void postRender ();

static void reset ();
Completely reset the Rendering engine. All shaders will be regenerated.

As of now, only a few things are actually reset .

static RenderStatistics scene (CameraNode camera, IRenderTarget target);
Render a camera's view to target. The previous contents of target are first cleared.

CameraNode camera Render what the camera sees.
IRenderTarget target Render to this target.

A struct containing rendering statistics

static void surface (Surface surface , IRenderTarget target = cast(IRenderTarget)null);
Render a surface . TODO: Move parts of this to OpenGL.d

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Documentation generated with CandyDoc on Wed Aug 11 11:14:29 2010