

Eric Poggel


class SoundContext ;
This is a representation of an OpenAL Context as a statif class, simce many OpenAL implementations support only one context. It is used internally by the engine and shouldn't need to be used manually. It provides the following features:

Instantiates an OpenAL device and context upon init().
Stores a short array of SoundSource wrappers that can be wrapped around with an infinite number of virtual sources.
Controls a sound thread that handles buffering audio to all active SoundSources.

static void init ();
Create a device, a context, and start a thread that automatically updates all sound buffers. This function is called automatically by the Singleton template. To get an instance, use SoundContext.getInstance().

static void deInit ();
Delete the dedvice and context, delete all sources, and set the current context to null .

static void* getContext ();
Get the OpenAL Context.

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Documentation generated with CandyDoc on Wed Aug 11 11:14:29 2010