

Eric Poggel


abstract class System ;
The System class exists to initilize/deinitialize Yage and provide a place for common, lower-level, yage-specific functions.

static void init ();
This function creates a window with the specified width and height in pixels. It also initializes an OpenAL context so that audio playback can occur. It must be called before most other code.

width Width of the window in pixels
height Height of the window in pixels
depth Color depth of each pixel (should be 16, 24 or 32)
fullscreen The window is fullscreen if true ; windowed otherwise.
samples The level of anti-aliasing.

static void deInit ();
Release all Yage Resources. If System.init() is called, this must be called for cleanup before the program closes. After calling this function, many Yage functions can no longer be called safely.

static bool isSystemThread ();
Returns true if called from the same thread as what System.init() was called. This is useful to ensure that rendering functions aren't called from other threads. Always returns false if called before System.init()

static void abort (char[] message);
static void abortException (Exception e);
Set the abort flag signalling that the application is ready for exit. This may be called manually or automatically on an error. abortException provides a good exception callback for any asynchronous code that may throw an exception.

static bool isAborted ();
Has the abort flag been set?

Yage source files are copywritten by their specified authors and available under the terms of the GNU LGPL.
Documentation generated with CandyDoc on Wed Aug 11 11:14:30 2010