All art assets in these folders are either in the public domain or the license is loose enough that it may as well be. This means that it must be free to use in any commercial game under any terms and no credit for it is required. If you find something here that doesn't meet those terms, please email eric (at) and I'll remove it. Specifically, you can do the following with anything here: * Redistribute it * Modify it * Freely use it in any type of project, commercial or otherwise * Not give credit to the author(s) All dependent resources (such as a model's textures) have the same author and license unless otherwise noted. [Resource] [Author / License] fx/flare*.xml Eric Poggel, public domain fx/smoke.xml Eric Poggel, public domain gui/skins/* Deformative, license unknown gui/font/* Bitstream, Inc, see Vera-Copyright.txt music/celery - pages.ogg Paul Sweeny and Jeff Stevens sky/sanctuary.dae Eric Poggel, public domain sky/universe.dae Eric Poggel, public domain space/asteroid.dae Eric Poggel, public domain space/star.xml Eric Poggel, public domain space/fighter.dae -- model and textures can be used for freeware, shareware, or commercial games etc. terrain/dirt.jpg Eric Poggel, public domain terrain/water.jpg Eric Poggel, public domain